
Executing principles of good governance

Our commitment to excellence begins at the top of our organization with our Board of Directors and executive leadership team. Our Board oversees the overall direction of Cable One’s business strategy, including the capital investments we make that drive innovation and improve our customer experience.

Our Board consists of nine members, eight of whom are independent. Our President and CEO also serves as the Chair of the Board, which we believe is appropriate and in the best interests of the company because of her in-depth strategic and operational knowledge of the opportunities and challenges facing Cable One. This dual role promotes decisive leadership, accountability, and clarity in the overall direction of our business strategy, as well as effective decision-making and strategic alignment between the Board and our senior management. We believe this approach also facilitates clear and consistent communication of the company’s strategy to all stakeholders.

Our Board-appointed Lead Independent Director chairs executive sessions of Board meetings and consults with our CEO and executive leaders on Board agenda topics. The role of Lead Independent Director also provides strong leadership of the non-management directors and helps the Board provide effective independent oversight of the Chair of the Board and CEO.

The Board has four standing committees, each operating under a written charter that describes the committee’s purpose and role in the governance process.

Our Board is comprised of a diverse mix of highly qualified individuals. We are proud that five of our nine Board members are female, including the Chair of the Board.

Gender & Racial/Ethnic Diversity

Corporate Governance Highlights

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion starts with our Board and flows through our organization. The Board considers, as a matter of practice, the diversity of prospective nominees (including incumbent directors), both culturally and in terms of the variety of viewpoints on the Board, which may be enhanced by a mix of different professional and personal backgrounds and experiences. A key goal of these diversity efforts is to encourage and embrace cognitive diversity that will provide a variety of perspectives about the complex issues facing the company in order to benefit our business and stakeholders. The Board evaluates diverse candidates for every vacancy and, consistent with past practice, will consider women and/or persons of color in each candidate pool from which we select non-incumbent director nominees. Three of the last four open positions on the Board have been filled with a female director, including one who is African-American.

During 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, we conducted extensive outreach efforts to our stockholders in order to solicit feedback on corporate governance matters. In response to stockholder feedback, we adopted a proxy access by-law and amended our charter and by-laws to reduce the voting requirement necessary for stockholders to adopt, amend, alter or repeal any provision of our by-laws from a super-majority to a majority voting standard.

We maintain effective oversight and accountability through sound corporate governance policies. Below are highlights of some of our policies and practices:

  • Eight of our nine Board members are independent, and we have an engaged Lead Independent Director
  • Majority voting standard for Board members in uncontested director elections
  • Annual election of all directors beginning in 2023
  • Annual Board and Committee evaluations
  • Regularly conduct executive sessions of our independent directors
  • Audit, Compensation and Talent Management, and Nominating and Governance Committees are comprised solely of independent directors
  • Robust executive and non-employee director stock ownership guidelines
  • Director onboarding for new members
  • Eight of our nine directors have served on the Board for less than 10 years and we have added three new directors to the Board over the past five years.
  • We maintain robust executive and non-employee director stock ownership guidelines.
  • No stockholder rights plan
  • Membership for all directors in the National Association of Corporate Directors
  • Well-balanced executive compensation program that reflects our pay-for-performance philosophy where a substantial portion of executive compensation is at risk and tied to objective performance goals
  • Annual equity compensation awards extended beyond executives to manager-level associates
  • Competitive market analysis of peer group practices
  • Independent, third-party compensation consultant engaged by the Compensation and Talent Management Committee
  • Vigorous clawback policy
  • Hedging and pledging are prohibited for directors, officers, and associates who are members of our restricted trading population
  • We provide annual training for our associates with respect to our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
  • Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics contains our formal policy against bribery and improper payments to government personnel.

Cable One's Board of Directors

Board's Role in Risk Oversight

The Board actively considers strategic decisions proposed by management, including matters affecting the business strategy and competitive and financial positions of the company, and monitors our risk profile. In its role of providing risk oversight, the Board employs a principles-based approach to identify and monitor the myriad of risks impacting the company. The Board and executive leadership continually monitor our risk environment, including attempting to identify potential unknown risks. Despite establishing a comprehensive risk management framework, both the Board and executive leadership recognize that the company may not have identified all risks related to our business and that unknown risks will exist, some of which could have a significant impact on the company.

The Board fulfills certain risk oversight functions through its standing committees. For example, the Audit Committee plays a key role in risk oversight, particularly with respect to financial reporting, accounting, and compliance matters; the Compensation and Talent Management Committee addresses the risk profile of the company’s compensation program and arrangements and human capital programs, policies, and practices, including those related to organizational culture, diversity, and inclusion; and the Nominating and Governance Committee oversees corporate governance-related risk associated with our governance practices and profile, as well as our risks and practices related to cybersecurity and environmental matters, including climate related risks.

Risk oversight activities are supported by internal reporting structures that aim to surface directly to the Board key matters that can affect the company’s risk exposures, as well as by our leadership structure. The company’s Disclosure Controls Committee reports directly to the Audit Committee on certain matters relating to our public disclosures. We also have an enterprise risk management (ERM) program designed to identify, assess, prioritize, manage, and mitigate major risk exposures that could affect our ability to execute on our corporate strategy and fulfill our business objectives. Our ERM program is administered by a risk council made up of members of senior management supported by subject matter experts within our organization. Representatives of the risk council report to the Audit Committee on risk exposure, management, and tolerance, among other things.

Stakeholder Engagement

We regularly engage with various stakeholders, including associates, customers, investors, and industry, governmental, and nonprofits and community organizations. Understanding the issues and challenges we face from various perspectives allows for the collaboration necessary to effect change. Feedback allows us to improve the value and relevance of our products, services, and how we interact and give back to our communities. Below are examples of how we engage with our stakeholders:


  • Annual satisfaction survey
  • Various communications channels at the company, regional, and local levels, including our intranet, quarterly town hall meetings, twice-weekly company blog, and bi-monthly CEO videos
  • Open Door Policy
  • Ethics Hotline allowing associates to raise concerns anonymously


  • Customer service hotlines to assist consumers and receive feedback on our products and services
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Web-based apps for service requests
  • Specialized services to support businesses

Investor Community

  • Quarterly earnings call
  • Quarterly and annual financial reporting
  • Annual meeting of shareholders
  • Investor Relations website and SEC reporting
  • Attendance at investor conferences
  • Engagement with investors, analysts, and ratings agencies


  • CableLabs
  • National Cable Television Cooperative
  • The Cable Center
  • C-SPAN
  • Various state cable and broadband associations

Government, Legislators, and Politicians

  • Engagement with legislators and regulators at the federal, state, and local level
  • Membership in ACA Connects

Nonprofits and Community Organizations

  • Partnerships with national organizations, such as Arbor Day Foundation, Special Olympics and Keep America Beautiful
  • Volunteer activities
  • Support of national organizations with local impact, such as The American Red Cross